
  • Systematic desensitisation. 
  • Psychoanalysis, including free association and dream analysis, transference and counter transference, and the object relations school of thought.

Past Paper Questions

3 Markers
  • Describe counter-transference in relation to Tameka and her client. (3) June 2018
  • Describe transference as a feature of psychoanalysis. (3) January 2020
  • Explain one weakness of the object relations school of thought as a therapy/treatment. (2) January 2021
4 Markers
  • Describe the therapy/treatment Amelia’s therapist would offer. (4) October 2017
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of the object relations school of thought therapy/treatment. (4) October 2017
  • Psychoanalysis uses many different techniques. Describe free association as it is used in psychoanalysis. (4) June 2018
  • Describe how the therapist could use systematic desensitisation to reduce Julio’s fear of bread. (4) January 2019
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of systematic desensitisation. (4) January 2019
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of psychoanalysis. (4) January 2020
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of Phillipe using dream analysis to treat his client. (4) October 2019
  • Describe the object relations school of thought as a therapy/treatment. (4) January 2021
  • Describe free association as used in Willow’s psychoanalysis. (4) January 2022
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of free association as a treatment for Willow. (4) January 2022
8 Markers
  • Discuss how Lotte may use psychoanalysis to help Olaf with his problems working with his new manager. You must refer to the context in your answer. (8) January 2018
  • Assess the effectiveness of systematic desensitisation as a treatment/therapy. (8) June 2018
  • Assess the use of dream analysis as a therapy. (8) June 2017
16 Marker
  • Alejandro and Katerina work at a local sleep clinic. A patient who has depression has recently come to the clinic. The patient is constantly tired, finds it hard to get out of bed and lacks the motivation to carry out everyday activities. The patient is also having difficulties with personal relationships. When assessing the patient, it was found that these symptoms had developed over the winter months. The patient also stated they had experienced a troubled childhood, and felt they were not loved by their parents. Alejandro thinks light therapy should be used to treat the patient, whilst Katerina thinks that psychoanalysis would be more effective. To what extent would light therapy and psychoanalysis be effective treatments for Alejandro’s and Katerina’s patient? You must refer to the context in your answer. (16) October 2020