
  • The main features of classical conditioning (Pavlovian), including unconditioned stimulus (UCS); unconditioned response (UCR); conditioned stimulus (CS); neutral stimulus (NS); conditioned response (CR); extinction, spontaneous recovery and stimulus generalisation and distribution.


  • Pavlov (1927) showed that dogs would learn to respond by salivating to a buzzer when it was paired with food, supporting classical conditioning
  • Pavlov (1927) used dogs in his study which lack generalisability to human learning as dogs have different genes and brain structure to humans.
  • Watson and Rayner (1920) showed that Little Albert generalised his fear of a white rat to other similar stimuli such as a fur coat
  • Little Albert’s conditioning took place in a controlled, artificial setting so it may be that classical conditioning may not explain learning in a more natural setting

Past Paper Questions

1 Markers
  • Define the following classical conditioning terms. (a) Spontaneous recovery (1)   (b) Extinction (1)   (c) Stimulus generalisation (1) June 2016
  • Define the term ‘unconditioned stimulus’ (UCS) as it is used in classical conditioning. (1) June 2017
  • State the neutral stimulus (NS) that had no original effect on Katya’s behaviour. (1) June 2017
  • Give the conditioned response (CR) that Katya shows. (1) June 2017
2 Markers
  • Describe how you would use classical conditioning to train a dog to sit. (2) October 2016
  • Describe what is meant by the term ‘stimulus generalisation’ as used in classical conditioning. (2) October 2019
  • Describe what is meant by the term ‘extinction’ as used in classical conditioning. (2) October 2019
  • In your studies of learning theories and development, you will have learned about operant conditioning. Describe, using an example, what is meant by the term ‘primary reinforcement’ as used in operant conditioning. (2) January 2021
4 Markers
  • Explain two strengths of classical conditioning as an explanation of learning. (4) June 2016
  • Describe the process of classical conditioning. (4) October 2018
  • Explain one strength and one weakness of classical conditioning. (4) October 2018
  • Explain two weaknesses of classical conditioning as an explanation of human behaviour. (4) January 2021
6 Marker
  • Compare classical conditioning and operant conditioning. (6) June 2017
8 Marker
  • Evaluate classical conditioning as an explanation for human behaviour. (8) June 2019
  • Assess the usefulness of classical conditioning as an explanation of human behaviour. (8) October 2020
  • Evuska liked peanut butter sandwiches until she ate one as a child and it got stuck in her throat making her choke. She now has a phobia of peanut butter sandwiches and chokes and gags when she sees one. Evuska also chokes and gags when she sees other sandwiches. Discuss classical conditioning as an explanation of Evuska’s phobia. You must make reference to the context in your answer. (8) June 2021